Claiming Land

What are Land Claims?

Blocklandia uses the Grief Protection plugin to help keep the server safe. Among other things, this plugin allows players to create claims to protect their land & builds. This page will explain the basics of how to claim land, plus list some useful commands & how to use them.

Why should I claim my land?

It is strongly recommended you always make a claim around anything important you build. Land claims protect your build from any players who might wish destroy it or steal your items (i.e. griefers).

Benefits of claiming land:

Basics of Land Claiming

To create a claim, you will first need a golden shovel. If you do not have one, you can get one by doing /kit starter. It will give you a golden shovel along with a number of other useful items. (Make sure you have enough inventory space before doing the command, as it gives a lot of items. You may want to empty your inventory into a chest first)

Creating the claim

Hold the golden shovel in your hand, and right-click on the ground where you want one corner of your claim to be. Then, walk diagonally to the opposite corner of the claim, and right-click on the ground again. If you did it right, you should see text appear in chat like this:

You will also see gold and glowstone blocks appear on the ground forming a border indicating the edges of your claim.

Land claims automatically extend from the very top of the world (built hight limit) to the very bottom of the world (bedrock), so you don’t have to worry about someone building over the top of your house or digging beneath it.

How much land can I claim?

Claim blocks are earned gradually over time as you play. If you hold a golden shovel in your hand, you can see in chat how many claim blocks you currently have.

How do I tell where the edges of my claim are?

When you first create a claim, you will see gold and glowstone blocks forming a rectangle on the ground. These blocks aren’t really there, they just appear to show you the edges of your claim, then disappear (or turn invisible) after a few minutes.

If you would like to make them reappear, hold a stick in your hand and right-click any block inside your claim.

This also works for claims created by other players, so if you are ever wondering if a certain block has been claimed by someone, try right-clicking it with a stick. If it has been claimed, you will see a message in chat that says “That block has been claimed by Playername.”

How do I resize my claim?

There are two ways to resize your claim: you can resize manually using a golden shove, OR, you can resize using the /extendclaim command.

1. Resizing with golden shovel:

Resizing manually works similar to creating a claim.

First, hold a golden shovel and right-click on the corner of your claim (the glowstone block). Then, walk over to where you want the new corner to be, and right-click on the ground at this new location.

2. Using /expandclaim:

The expandclaim command allows you to extend your claim by a specific number of blocks in one direction.

To use expandclaim: First stand inside your claim, hold a golden shovel, and face the direction you want it to expand it in. Then type /expandclaim <number>

If you want to shrink your claim rather than expand it, simply type a negative number rather than positive. For example, /expandclaim -10 would shrink your claim by 10 blocks in the direction you are facing.

Useful Commands

This section lists some useful commands you’ll want to know. You can find a spreadsheet with the full list of land claim commands at the very bottom of the page.

Trusting another player to your claim

Trusting is a way to allow another player to build inside your claim. Trusted players will be able to:

To trust a player, stand inside the claim and type: /trust <playername>

Replace the part that says <playername> with the player’s actual username, spelled exactly how it is in-game. The spelling has to be correct, otherwise it will not work.

If you want to remove a player’s access to your claim, stand inside the claim and type: /untrust <playername>

Container Trust

Container trust is another way to trust players to your claim. It is similar to normal trusting, except players will not be allowed to break or place blocks inside your claim (aside from crops). Container Trusted players can:

To trust a player, stand inside the claim and type: /containertrust <playername>

Replace the part that says <playername> with the player’s actual username, spelled exactly how it is in-game. The spelling has to be correct, otherwise it will not work.

If you want to remove a player’s access to your claim, stand inside the claim and type: /untrust <playername>

Access Trust

Access trust allows players to use beds, buttons & levers inside your claim, but nothing else. Access Trusted players can:

To trust a player, stand inside the claim and type: /accesstrust <playername>

Replace the part that says <playername> with the player’s actual username, spelled exactly how it is in-game. The spelling has to be correct, otherwise it will not work.

If you want to remove a player’s access to your claim, stand inside the claim and type: /untrust <playername>

Abandon Claim

If you want to remove a claim you’ve created, stand inside it and do /abandonclaim

Note: this will not delete any structures built inside the claim, just the claim itself.

Full list of land claim commands

Land Claim Commands

These are commands related to the land claims plugin.
/claims listLists all of your claims, displaying info such as which world the claim is in, the claim’s co-ords, and how many claim blocks the claim uses.
/extendclaim #Extends the claim you are standing in by the directions you are looking, by the specified number of blocks. You can also shrink the claim by doing negative numbers instead.
/abandonclaimDeletes the claim you are standing in.
/abandonallclaimsDeletes all of your claims.
/trappedTeleports player to the edge of the land claim they are in. Useful for if you get stuck inside someone's claim and can't escape because you can't break/place blocks.
/trust PlayernameGives another player permission to break or place blocks inside your claim.
/untrust PlayernameRemoves another player’s permissions from your claim.
/acesstrust PlayernameGives another player permission to use buttons, levers and beds.
/containertrust PlayernameGives another player permission to use your chests, furnaces, animals, buttons, levers, and beds.
/trustlistLists all trusted players for the claim you are standing in.
/untrustallRemoves permissions for all trusted players in your claim.
/givepetGives away a tamed animal to another player.