FAQ about joining Blocklandia
Before you can play on Blocklandia, you must submit a join request here. Each join application is reviewed prior to being added. If your application is accepted, we will email you information about how to join the server. We will also email you if we have any questions about your application.
You must have a Minecraft: JAVA Edition account to play on Blocklandia.You cannot join Blocklandia from Minecraft Bedrock edition.
Please read our Terms of Service and Rules before you submit the request.
Minecraft has two editions: Java and Bedrock. The two are extremely similar, but are technically separate games. It’s important you know what version you own, because Blocklandia is Java-edition server, meaning only players who own the Java edition of the game can join.
Luckily, it’s quite easy to tell what version you own. Just open Minecraft, and look at the title screen. If it says “Java Edition,” under the title, then congratulations! You have Java edition!
If it does not say “Java edition,” then you most likely have Bedrock edition. Here are a few other ways to tell if you are playing bedrock:
- If you play Minecraft on Console or IOS, you have Bedrock edition. (Java only exists on PC)
- If your Minecraft is called “Minecraft for Windows,” you have Bedrock edition.
- If your Minecraft has a “Marketplace” that you can buy stuff from, then you have Bedrock edition.
We respond to every join request that we receive. However, sometimes the email that we send bounces back or, even worse, the original join request doesn’t have an email address for us to contact. Join requests typically take 10 to 14 days to be processed. If you haven’t received an email from us and it’s been more than 14 days since you submitted your request, please contact us using the contact form provided here and we will help you figure out why you haven’t heard from us.
We require a valid email address so that we can contact you regarding your join request.
Occasionally we may also use your email address to contact you if your child is having difficulty understanding the rules and we want to get you involved in helping them understanding what is allowed or not.
We run a check on each username that’s submitted against four major ban plugin systems. If we notice a ban attached to your username, we’ll contact you via email and ask for an explanation of what occurred. If you receive a previous bans email, we’ll ask you to be up front with us about what happened and how you’ll behave differently on our server. We understand mistakes happen, and people mature with age. If you have a tendency to grief but want to overcome that, tell us and we’ll work with you on how to behave differently on Blocklandia.
The server’s ip address is mc.blocklandia.com
Please keep in mind that you must be on the join list in order to play on Blocklandia. If you have not yet submitted a join request, you can do so here.
The server is currently on Minecraft version 1.19.3.
Make sure you are on the correct version before joining, you may be unable to join if you are on a different version.
If you get this error, it’s possible you might be trying to join on the wrong version. Make sure you are on 1.19.3.
Gameplay FAQ
Visit this page for info on becoming Journeyman.
There are a few requirements you must meet if you want to have a shop at the mall.
1. You must have played on the server for over 1 month.
2. You must have earned at least $5,000 by doing jobs. (The money will not be used, we just need to see that you can play on your own and earn money).
3. You must be able to play in survival worlds on your own (so that you can keep the shop stocked).
If you meet these requirements, you can ask a Knight, Templar or Noble about getting a shop, and they will help you set one up!
Note: even if you do not meet the requirements to have a mall shop, you are still welcome to make a your own shop one of our survival worlds.

If you’re stuck because you fell into a ravine, got locked in a house, or are lost you can always use /spawn to return to the spawn point of the world, or /home to return to your home. You can also use /trapped if you are stuck inside someone’s claim.
Each world has a specific spawn point. To return to the spawn type /spawn.
Ships to all worlds are in the Shipyard spawn. If you’re in a world other than Shipyard and want to go to a different world, type /spawn, turn around, and board the ship that is docked at that spawn point. That will take you back to the Shipyard.
If you want to return to your home rather than the spawn use /home
Our multi-world system lets us determine which worlds are connected and which worlds are completely separate. On Blocklandia, Paradise, Greyhavens, Mainland, the End, and the Nether are connected. This means your inventory should travel across these worlds.
However, if you enter Darkness or Neverland, your inventory is completely separated. This means anything you find or make in Darkness stays in Darkness, and the same goes for Neverland. This also means you can’t find something in Paradise and take it into Neverland or Darkness.
Dying is awful! Depending on how you died, where you died, and how long ago it was, we may be able to find your items for you. Use /helpme I died and can’t find my stuff and a staff member may be able to help you. It is important that you also tell us how you died, and what world you died in, in order for us to find your lost items.
Unfortunately we can’t guarantee that we’ll find your stuff, but if we can help you we will.
Banned / Kicked
Everyone is kicked on occasion, including staff. Kicks are used as a temporary way to call attention to behavior that is not allowed. Rather than being upset or offended by having been kicked, look at the behavior that resulted in your being kicked and learn from it.
Unlike on many servers, we limit how often we kick someone. Reasons why you may have been kicked include being unresponsive to staff or arguing with staff. You may have also been kicked due to “downtime,” or because you were AFK for too long. Downtime means that we’ve closed the server temporarily to fix or update something. Check our website, Twitter feed, or Facebook page for updates when we’re in downtime. If you were kicked for being AFK, it just means you left the game running for too long without actually playing. The server automatically kicks players who have been AFK for over 30 minutes.
If you feel staff is kicking you too often or wrongfully kicking you from the server, please notify a higher ranking staff member, use /helpme (example: /helpme A staff member keeps kicking me and I don’t know why or for no reason) or, contact us here.
We want all of our players and staff to have an enjoyable Minecraft experience. To make this possible for our staff, Blocklandia has switched to having a one-strike policy when it comes to bans. We make it very clear what rules are expected to be followed, and if you cannot follow them, there are other servers to play on. If you aren’t certain if something is allowed – ask a staff member and wait for a response.
You can lose access to minigames if
If you think this is an error, you can contact a staff member in-game about it.
Chat FAQ
The Internet is full of abbreviations and acronyms. The ones we see often on Blocklandia are:
LOL = Laughing outloud
ROFL = Roll on the floor laughing (for when a simple LOL isn’t enough)
GTG = got to go (used when mom & dad are saying get off the computer right now!)
AFK = Away from keys or away from keyboard
XD = A laughing happy face
=) = A happy face
D: and ): = Sad faces
NP = No problem
Thx = Thanks
Ty = Thank you
WB = Welcome back
You may notice that some of these automatically change into what they stand for, and some prompt you to spell out the word (such as thx for thanks). This happens because of the way we have our chat filter set. If you ever aren’t sure what something means on chat, just ask!
Chat moves very quickly at times and it can be difficult for people to read and respond to what you have said. If no one responds right away, wait a few minutes and then say it again. You want to wait a couple of minutes so that you don’t spam chat.
Remember that people are more likely to respond to friendly words than angry or negative ones. For example, try saying “does anyone want to go mining?” instead of “no one is my friend D:”
If you need help from a staff member simply use /helpme why you need help and a staff member will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you’re a member of the staff you have several options including talking to the person, muting, and kicking them. If you don’t know how to use these commands ask another staff member for help.
If you aren’t staff, and there are no staff on to help monitor the chat, please discourage the person from spamming but be polite while you do it (for example, “Please don’t spam” is better than “stop!!! that’s breaking the rules!!!“).